Unlike other people , we are confined to reach our goals, we are trying to make a community which spreads fun , laughter , happiness , love and a helping hand. We alone from our side may be weak but when we unite, We could do together build a community that's worth of created. We been about 8 years in YouTube lost many channels in early stages due to terminations since we aren't much familier with terms and policies of YouTube , but we didn't stop their. We learnt from every mistakes , now we are good to go and have a big dream to help that we are seeking little hands unite together. #TogetherStrong ____ Video Footages credits: www.pexels.com _____ Audio Credits: Day 7 - Dream Away https://youtu.be/MvTAqyJcu9c _____ Subscribe our YOUTUBE channel 👇 https://youtube.com/channel/UCOl12xz3... Follow us on INSTAGRAM 👇 https://instagram.com/accusedgameryt?... Follow us on FACEBOOK 👇 https://www.facebook.com/Accusedgamer... Follow us on DISCORD 👇 https://discord.gg/TEhZjE3k Follow us on TWITTER 👇 https://twitter.com/AccusedGamerYT?s=08